Music to Benefit the Needy of the Community
The word “flute” comes from the Latin word “flatus,” meaning to blow
and the flute is a wind instrument and we are taught the Holy Spirit
is like the wind. “When the time for Pentecost was fulfilled, they
were all in one place together. And suddenly there came from the sky
a noise like a strong driving wind, and it filled the entire house in
which they were.” (Acts 2:1-2)
Last Sunday afternoon at St. John’s the air was filled with music that
was truly inspired by the Holy Spirit at a benefit concert for those
in need performed by the Purcell Flute Choir: Kathleen Purcell,
Laura Dallas, Sofia Davidson, Victor Davidson, Chloe Deffenbaugh,
Mira Huang, Meera Narayan, Oliver Ockeloen-Tobensen, Brooke Reid,
Leo Seidler and Vlada Morgan on the organ.
Over $800 dollars was raised through donations and the proceeds fron
the cookie bake sale. The Peace and Justice Committee wishes to
thank everyone who helped make this event so successful.
To the many hands that baked our treats, to Judith (money collector) & Tom Howser(photos),
along with Diane Sindler and George for greeting and seating our guests, to Patti Schonig
our main bake sale organizer and hostess, and to Natalie Adams, and Linda Fields for
hostessing and managing our kitchen, to Dale Dallas for being the MC and to Father Roy
for your enthusiastic welcome and support for this event.
And “A Very Merry Christmas” to you all,
God Bless you,