St-John RCIA
Church Picture

Catholic Church

120 Russell Avenue
Corner of Hw 9
Felton, CA 95018
(831) 335-4657

RCIA - Invitation to seekers

The Catholic Church has long recognized that the only way that people find the path to God is through being on that path with other people, usually by someone close to them. To be blunt, no one is preached to faith, we are led, and loved or shown what God's love has done for someone else. A relative, loved one, or friend shows by their life that they have something worthwhile. Conversion will not occur without that initial insight, but much more is required before full communion with the Church is achieved.

That is where the RCIA program comes in. What, you may ask is RCIA? The letters stand for "Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults". We use initiation in the older sense of teaching and training to find truth and welcome you into the community. The program is based on study guides approved by the Bishops and tailored by each Parish to the unique needs of the people in the Parish.

The first few weeks are called the inquiry phase and we try to show the seekers what the Catholic Church believes and how this has affected the lives of the believers. Such topics as "What do Catholics Believe," "What is the meaning of the Mass", "The Bible", and "The Saints" will be covered in informal sessions where questions are encouraged. We will also discuss the structure of the Church and touch on some of Her history.

For those who wish to go further on the journey of faith the next phase is called the Catechumenate. During this time we will study the Sacraments in some detail and explore some of the moral and ethical teachings of the church. The Catechumenate concludes with Lent, Easter and Baptism for those who wish to join in full communion with the Catholic Church.

If you would like to inquire please call the office at 831 335-4657.

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CCD - Religious Education

Registration will be September 22, 2019 in the hall after the 8:30 A.M. Mass and the 11:30 A.M. for Children's Religious Education (CCD) This is for all children making First Holy Communion and children continuing their Faith Formation.

The children learn the Four Pillars of the Catholic Church

  • *Creed
  • *Prayer
  • *Sacraments
  • *Morality

The Catechism is arranged in four principal parts:

  • The Profession of Faith (The Apostle's Creed)
  • The Celebration of the Christian Mystery
    (The Sacred Liturgy and especially, the Sacraments)
  • Life in Christ (including the Ten Commandments)
  • Christian Prayer (including the Lord's Prayer)

It is a honor to serve the Lord and Journey with each child on their Faith Journey walk with the Lord.
Religious Education Director, Mary L. Sager, OPL

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Proudly celebrating First Communion 2019!

Pastor: Fr Roy Margallo
Marlon Groyon jr, Gemma Brower, Luke Brower, Toby A. Carvajal, Zac Brower, Jake Brower, Lydia Cathrine Davis
Religious Education Director: Mary Sager

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Weekly Schedule

3:30pm: Confession
4:00pm: Mass


8:30am: Mass
11:30am: Mass

Weekday Mass

Wednesday: 11:30am
Thursday: 9:30am
Friday: 10:00am Adoration
11:30am Mass

Mass Intentions

Feb 08 4:00 ♰Ellen Pagninini
Feb 09 8:30 ♰Esperanza Gaivan Montoya
11:30 ♰Patrick Sauls
♰Vicki Aguilar

Second Collection

Feb 09None
Feb 16Peace & Justice

Financial Corner

Monthly Plate Budget:        $7032
August Plate Collection: $8,159.65
The Lord bless your generosity