St-John Local News
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Catholic Church

120 Russell Avenue
Corner of Hw 9
Felton, CA 95018
(831) 335-4657

Local News

Peace and Justice Committee Update

Does your New Year’s resolution include cleaning out your closets and getting rid of unneeded stuff? If so, the Peace and Justice Committee is happy to receive your gently used clothing and bedding for distribution to our Thursday Lunch guests.

You can drop them off every Thursday between 8 AM and 1 PM at the hall. Alternatively, you can call or text me at 334-1529 to coordinate a convenient time to drop off.

Thank you in advance!

To quote Mother Teresa: “Each of them is Jesus in disguise.”

—Toni Jeffrey, Peace and Justice Committee Chairperson.

Lenten Talks for March

Santa Cruz Area Parishes Schedule Lenten Talks for March

The parishes in the Santa Cruz area - the Santa Cruz Vicariate - are sponsoring a series of Lenten talks and reflections in the larger parishes for everyone who lives in the area.

Repent and Believe the Good News is this year’s theme. Topics include: the Mass, the Future of the Church in the Global South, and the Eucharist and Everyday Living. For the most part, the presenters will be local priests, deacons, and lay people.

The four-week series begins on March 11th. The sessions will be held in the evening at 7:30 on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at the following parishes:
Holy Cross, Star of the Sea, St. Joseph in Capitola, and Resurrection.

Some sessions will be in Spanish with simultaneous interpretation. Several talks will be live streamed. Tickets are two for the price of one: $10 for one or two people.
All twelve talks are available for $60 for one or two people.

Watch this space for more information and registration.

Catechism classes resume on September 22
at 9:45 in the hall.

Parents are welcome to just enjoy the donuts and coffee and conversation
or sit in with their children in their classes,
or use that opportunity to slip out on their own.

High school students are invited to participate in our Outreach program which is also starting on September 22 at 9:45 in the hall.
We study the Sunday readings and plan whatever outreach event we can do in these Covid careful times.

Check us out. Get to know us and perhaps enjoy some of our discussions.

No sign up needed. Drop ins are always welcome.


Peace and Justice

Thank you for your continued support of the Peace and Justice Committee’s Thursday Lunch program! We are busier than ever, routinely serving up to 100 hearty meals to our needy neighbors. Regardless of how busy we are, nobody leaves empty-handed, and for that our team is grateful.

Shoutout to Valley Churches United, Redwood Christian Center, Felton Presbyterian Church, and Paul Flores for providing bread, eggs, and yummy desserts to include in our meals or distribute to our guests.

Shoutout to Felton Feed and Pet Supply, as well as a Boulder Creek donor who wishes to remain anonymous, for providing pet food for our guests’ four-legged family members.

Shoutout to our wonderful parishioners and Felton neighbors for providing surplus produce from their apple and pear trees.

Shoutout to our hardworking volunteers. In alphabetical order: Rich Bergmann, Michele Bondi, Michael and Marianne Booth, Suzy Brown, Clare Calaprice, Kathy Fuad, Tom Howser, Michael Jeffrey (our official Costco shopper), Norma Short.

We were thrilled to learn that Edward, one of our longtime unhoused guests, recently secured stable housing in Scotts Valley. We were also thrilled to learn that Steve, another longtime guest, is the brother of an actor who had an iconic role in “Jurassic Park.”

Aside from distributing food, we also distribute hugs and a sympathetic ear to those who need them. Occasionally, we hope to crack up one or more guests…fingers crossed. To quote Mother Teresa: “Each of them is Jesus in disguise.” Feed the people!

—Toni Jeffrey, Peace and Justice Committee chairperson

The Santa Cruz Welcoming Network

The Santa Cruz Welcoming Network helps refugees and asylum seekers from all over the world. The group is made up of volunteers who help people with housing, healthcare, legal services and other needs.
Bilingual Spanish / English are needed.

For more information, please search for Santa Cruz Welcoming Network
or contact Deacon Randy Pozos by email at

Exposition of The Holy Eucharist
for Vocations

Saturday June 29 at 3:00 pm
Followed by the 4:00 Mass

Following Mass will be the install of our St. Michael the Archangel
to be followed with prayer for protection through St. Michael.

All are encouraged to attend this very special celebrations.

Prayer for Vocations

God our Father, we thank you for calling men and women to serve in your Son's Kingdom as priests, deacons, and consecrated persons.
Send your Holy Spirit to help others to respond generously and courageously to your call.
May our community of faith support vocations of sacrificial love in our youth and young adults.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever.

Prayer of Intercessions
Through St. Michael the Archangel

St. Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray,
and do thou,
O Prince of the heavenly hosts,
by the power of God,
thrust into hell Satan,
and all the evil spirits,
who prowl about the world
seeking the ruin of souls.

Help for the Home Bound

Some parishioners are not able to attend Mass because they need transportation to Church.

Do you need a ride to Church?

Are you able to provide a ride for someone else?

If enough people respond perhaps we could put together a directory so the person offering a ride lives in the neighborhood of the one who needs to be picked up.

Call or email Judie 336-1516 <j.kolbmann at>
( in order to prevent SPAM to the above email address, replace the " at " with "@")

Eucharistic Ministers

We are also looking for Eucharist ministers who would be available to bring the Eucharist to homebound parishioners to their homes on sunday mornings. Training will be available.
Contact Tom Howser

Weekly Schedule

3:30pm: Confession
4:00pm: Mass


8:30am: Mass
11:30am: Mass

Weekday Mass

Wednesday: 11:30am
Thursday: 9:30am
Friday: 10:00am Adoration
11:30am Mass

Mass Intentions

Feb 08 4:00 ♰Ellen Pagninini
Feb 09 8:30 ♰Esperanza Gaivan Montoya
11:30 ♰Patrick Sauls
♰Vicki Aguilar

Second Collection

Feb 09None
Feb 16Peace & Justice

Financial Corner

Monthly Plate Budget:        $7032
August Plate Collection: $8,159.65
The Lord bless your generosity

Parish Bulletin