fname HERE Weekly Parish Bulletin |
Weekly Schedule
3:30pm: |
Confession |
4:00pm: |
Mass |
8:30am: |
Mass |
11:30am: |
Mass |
Weekday Liturgy
Wednesday: 11:30am |
Communion Service |
Thursday: 9:30am |
Communion Service |
Friday: 11:30am |
Communion Service |
| | |
Mass Intentions
Mar 15 |
4:00 |
♰The deceased members of the Esposito Family |
Mar 16 |
8:30 |
♰Patrick Sauls |
11:30 |
♰All the souls in purgatory |
Second Collection |
Mar 16 | None |
Mar 23 | None |
Financial Corner
Monthly Plate Budget: $7032
January Plate Collection: $9,178.67
The Lord bless your generosity