St-John General News
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Selected Articles of Interest

Pro-Natalism Is Not Enough First Things
To solve the fertility crisis, we should not simply focus on creating more children, we must focus on creating more healthy marriages between men and women.

Why is a "Transgender" Identity Even Plausible? The Catholic World Report
Gender ideology is a false anthropology and preposterous belief system that is being "baked into" our assumptions, judgments, and relationships. Inevitably, it will make Christians less receptive to the truth.
Note: This essay is based on the author's talk entitled "Sex and Sanity: Man and Woman He Made Them" at the Napa Institute Summer Conference, July 25, 2024.

The Catholic Church's Enduring Answer to the Practical Atheism of Our Age Napa Institute
His Eminence Robert Cardinal Sarah delivers a speech on The Catholic Church's Answer to the Practical Atheism of Our Age in Washington, DC. This event has co-hosted by the Napa Institute and the Catholic Information Center.

Vatican II on the Laity: A Groundbreaking Moment National Catholic Register
The Council was a historical occasion in which the Church solemnly recognized the profound significance of the laity in its mission.

See Baby Grow The Education Resource Fund
Exceptional graphics and videography make this a must-see video for anyone wanting to know more about the incredible journey from fertilized egg to newborn. a Great learning tool for those in the healthcare professions as well. Beautiful

Cardinal Newman: Mental Sufferings of Our Lord in His Passion National Catholic Register
Editor's Note: As we enter into Holy Week and prepare our hearts and minds for the Passion of Christ, here are St. John Henry's meditations on the "Mental Sufferings of Our Lord" for reflection.

The Man of God Is a Man for Others What We Need Now
In recent years there has been a great deal of profound reflection on the spirituality of women, but less on the vocation and mission of men.

St. John Henry Newman and "The Infidelity of the Future" National Catholic Register
COMMENTARY: The synodal process would do better to study him, rather than reduce him to a slogan.

Evangelization in an Age of Unbelief What We Need Now
Boredom is the deeper existential threat to our parishes-boredom with an utterly non-provocative Church constantly chasing after the latest boutique shop issues-and this boredom with the Church is grinding her down.

The book St. John Paul II did and did not write The Catholic World Report
Although John Paul II didn't publish a document on men, one can still find implicit in his writings a complementary work to Mulieris dignitatem based on his understanding of human personhood and sex difference.

Ten Theological Principles from the Benedict XVI Treasury What We Need Now
At this moment in the life of the Church divisions over fundamental theological issues are tearing communities apart.

"Veritatis Splendor" at 30: Four essential truths taught by St. Pope John Paul II Our Sunday Visitor/SimplyCatholic
Aug. 6 marks the 30th anniversary of Pope St. John Paul II's encyclical Veritatis Splendor ("The Splendor of Truth"). It is the first and only papal encyclical focused on moral theology.

Cardinal Dolan: Did we go too far with COVID-19 restrictions? Our Sunday Visitor
Now I find myself undertaking an examination of conscience: Did we as a Church, here in the United States, go too far in obeying all the restrictions imposed during the COVID pandemic, resulting in a lack of pastoral care for those sick?

Bishop Barron, Ben Shapiro, The Eucharist YouTube Video
Bishop barron new book: "This is My Body: A Call to Eucharistic Revival"

8 Modern Errors Every Catholic Should Know and Avoid National Catholic Register
Consider this eightfold list of modern errors that are common even in the Church.

What Love Is - and What It Is Not National Catholic Register
COMMENTARY: A minimalistic view of love robs the human heart of its excellence.

The Sexual Revolution's Legacy of Chaos and Misery National Catholic Register
'Adam and Eve After the Pill, Revisited'

Cardinal Ladaria: Truth about humanity and sexuality doesn't change because of changes in ideology Catholic News Agency
The truth about the human person and sexuality does not change even as prevailing ideology exalts "freedom without relation to truth," the Vatican's doctrine chief said at a conference on Friday.

Believe, so that you may understand: Fides et Ratio at 25 What We Need Now
Archbishop Charles J. Chaput highlights the prophetic nature of Fides et Ratio and why the encyclical remains important 25 years later

What Women Really Want The Catholic World Report
A growing body of data resoundingly affirms that all across the developed world women are having far fewer children than they would like to have.

Culture of Fragility First Things
I bear a moral responsibility to uphold the truth and potentially disturb the comfort of those around me.

Suicide in Slow Motion National Catholic Register
Western society's rejection of the natural comes from a rejection of the supernatural.

Full text: Cardinal Cantalamessa's homily at the Vatican's Good Friday 2023 liturgy Catholic News Agency
On Good Friday, Pope Francis presided over the Liturgy of the Passion of the Lord in St. Peter's Basilica. Please find below the full text of the homily by Cardinal Raniero Cantalamessa, O.F.M. Cap., preacher of the papal household.

Joseph Ratzinger: The Mystery of the Annunciation is the Mystery of Grace The Catholic World Report
Selections from two works by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger.

What I Wish Feminists Knew: The Personhood Debate at the Heart of Our Abortion Wars National Catholic Register
The more we expel God from our hearts and from the center of our lives, the more miserable and dehumanized we become, and the blinder we become to the humanity of others.

"Conscience and Truth" by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger The Catholic World Report
Certainly the high road to truth and goodness is not a comfortable one. It challenges man. Nevertheless, retreat into self, however comfortable, does not redeem. The self withers away and becomes lost.

Radical inclusion leads to moral confusion The Catholic World Report
Cardinal McElroy appears to believe that the Church for 2,000 years has exaggerated the importance of her sexual moral teaching, and that radical inclusion supersedes doctrinal fidelity. In my opinion, this is a most serious and dangerous error.

State Department official: 'After careful review' Nigeria to remain off religious freedom watch list Catholic News Agency
A U.S. State Department official sent EWTN a statement noting that 'after careful review' Secretary of State Anthony Blinken has decided not to put Nigeria back on a list of offenders of religious liberty.

Vatican II: Then and Now Our Sunday Visitor/SimplyCatholic
Today, 50 years later, the 21st ecumenical council in the history of the Church is widely considered the most important Catholic event in centuries

USCCB Catholic Education Chair Speaks Out on 'Confused Catholic Schools' Embracing 'Sinful' Gender Ideology National Catholic Register
A bishop warns against Catholic institutions' misguided acceptance of gender ideology.

The Mass of Vatican II The Catholic World Report
What the Second Vatican Council said about liturgy, what it didn't say about liturgy, and the central intent of the Council concerning the liturgy.
Editor's note: This essay appeared originally in the September/October 2000 issue of Catholic Dossier and is based on a lecture on the liturgy given by Father Fessio in May, 1999.

Congress Dishonors Marriage Archdiocese of San Francisco/Most Rev. Salvatore J. Cordileone

The blessing of four full weeks of Advent Our Sunday Visitor
When Christmas falls on a Sunday, two remarkable things happen.

What's the Meaning of the Seasons' Traditions? Our Sunday Visitor/SimplyCatholic
C.S. Lewis, the great Christian writer who gave us Narnia, wrote a superb parody about Christmas, describing a baffled time traveler visiting Britain and finding people forced to buy squares of decorated cardboard and mail them to one another.

Gravely disappointed': U.S. bishops respond to passage of the same-sex marriage act Catholic News Agency
Today the U.S. bishops responded to the U.S. Senate's passage of the Respect for Marriage Act, saying society "has lost sight of the purpose of marriage."

Cardinal Sarah:"Religious liberty is under threat in the West, too" Catholic News Agency
Christians in the West should not take religious liberty and freedom of worship for granted, Cardinal Robert Sarah said in a recent interview with EWTN News.

List Less Articles

Weekly Schedule

3:30pm: Confession
4:00pm: Mass


8:30am: Mass
11:30am: Mass

Weekday Mass

Wednesday: 11:30am
Thursday: 9:30am
Friday: 10:00am Adoration
11:30am Mass

Mass Intentions

Oct 26 4:00 ♰Brad Bradford
Oct 27 8:30 ♰Maxine Gransbury
11:30 ♰Walter Johnson
Nov 01 First Friday of the Month
11:30 the Living and Deceased Members of the Altar Society

Second Collection

Oct 27    Peace & Justice
Nov 01    None

Financial Corner

Monthly Plate Budget:        $7032
August Plate Collection: $8,159.65
The Lord bless your generosity