St-John Scripture Study Resources ;
Church Picture

Catholic Church

120 Russell Avenue
Corner of Hw 9
Felton, CA 95018
(831) 335-4657

Scripture Study and Faith

Every Wednesday Afternoon in the Parish Hall. 3:00-4:00pm. (Please Note New Day/Time)
Park in the back of the church. All are welcome.

Come share God's Holy Words and enrich your spiritual journey. Our format is a round-table discussion of the readings and Gospel which will be read at Mass on the following Sunday.

Scripture Study Resources

Books of the Bible (USCCB)
Next Sunday Readings 03/16/2025
Lectionary Readings List
Scripture Index of Lectionary Readings

General References

Bible Timeline
(Does not include the 7 books of the Apocrypha which were written between 400BC to 100BC)

Old Testament References

Find map of town/location
Map of the Twelve Tribes

New Testament References

Map of Israel at time of Jesus

End of Scripture Study Prayer