St-John Scripture Study
Church Picture

Catholic Church

120 Russell Avenue
Corner of Hw 9
Felton, CA 95018
(831) 335-4657

Scripture Study and Faith

Come share God's Holy Words and enrich your spiritual journey. 5:00-6:00pm.
(Please Note New Time)
Our format is a round-table discussion of the readings and Gospel which will be read at Mass on the following Sunday.

Every Tuesday Night in the Parish Hall. Park in the back of the church. All are welcome.

Useful Bible Study Resources

Weekly Schedule

3:30pm: Confession
4:00pm: Mass


8:30am: Mass
11:30am: Mass

Weekday Mass

Wednesday: 11:30am
Thursday: 9:30am
Friday: 10:00am Adoration
11:30am Mass

Mass Intentions

Dec 21 4:00 ♰Brad Bradford
Dec 22 8:30 ♰Esperanza Gaivan Montoya
11:30 ♰Michael Robert Donnelly
Dec 24 4:00 ♰Patrick Sauls
Dec 25 9:00 ♰Esperanza Gaivan Montoya

Second Collection

Dec 22Norma Short's family
Dec 25Christmas Offering

Financial Corner

Monthly Plate Budget:        $7032
August Plate Collection: $8,159.65
The Lord bless your generosity